Thursday, June 17, 2010

Home Sweet Home

After my lovely Cabo vacation, I was fortunate enough to spend a very relaxing 5 days at home in Sacramento. Here is a recap and a few photos for your viewing pleasure :)

Tuesday: Reluctantly, I left our beautiful Mexican oasis and headed back to the states. Picture a 5 year old on their way to Disneyland for the first time, that was me flying to Sacramento, where I knew I would finally be reunited with my dad. The last time we saw one another was last August for Nelson's funeral. I was beyond excited to be seeing him again, and on much better terms. My mom, dad and cousin Portia picked me up at the airport. From there, we picked up Ann and went to La Placita (best hole in the wall Mexican joint in Fair Oaks) where we met Renee. We had an awesome dinner. Even after 5 days in Mexico, I couldn't turn down La Pla. It's that good. After dinner we dropped Ann off and went back to Hutch's house. We stayed up late chit chatting. I was so excited to be home ♥

Wednesday: I went to work with Hutch on Wednesday. After having turned off my Blackberry for the past 5 days, it was a bit hectic. That afternoon we went to Ann's graduation lunch at a great little place downtown before heading over to Memorial Auditorium for graduation. I bet you will NEVER guess who was awarded valedictorian... (If you guessed Ann, you are correct) So proud of her!!! She delivered an awesome speech. As much as I tried not to, I will admit that I did shed a few tears. After graduation, Dad and I helped Elizabeth and the rest of the volunteers help set up "Sober Grad Night." We called it a night at about 12:30am. So much for a "relaxing trip home." Haha.

Elizabeth, Dad, Me, Ann & Hutch at lunch

Ann giving her speech, she did awesome!

Dad, Ann & Elizabeth after graduation

Ann, Krysta & Myself after graduation
Thursday: I went to the dentist in the morning (yuck!!) and worked from home all day. That night Hutch cooked a big feast and invited a few of my my very favorite people over. Nay Nay came early and brought my sweet, sweet baby nephew, Alex. I can not even believe how big he is getting. Alex and Lionel met for the first time, and really hit it off. Lindsey and Garret joined us and so did Laura. It was so nice to be all together (although I must say, Mike and Art would have increased the 'nice-ness' by quite a bit). Probably my favorite night of the trip.

Those shoes kill me. He is so freaking cute.

Alex and Grandpa Lionel giving high-fives

Seriously, I would never be able to tell him 'no'
Friday: I worked from home again in the morning. That afternoon Hutch and I got our hair done before taking Lionel to the airport. Art's flight got in about an hour after Lionel's left, so mom and I killed some time shopping :) After we swooped Art from the airport we went to happy hour at Chevy's on the River. Then they dropped me at Missy cute new place downtown. We got ready and headed out for a night of fun :) Our friend Renee came out and met us. I drank a bit too much sangria and the rest is history. Bleh!

Pipee dogg having a rough Friday morning

One of Artsky and Hutch's new kittens

Miss and I at Bistro

We stuffed our own blue cheese olives
Saturday: I lounged. All day. And it was awesome. That afternoon we went to Ann's grad party. It was a sweet reunion of all of her friends and family. I over-heard her basketball coach talking about how he worked the roulette table at Sober Grad Night and got the urge to play. After the grad party Art, Hutch and I went to Redhawk. We wanted to get Round Table (my must have for every trip home) so we vowed to only stay at the casino for 1 hour. Hutch played Pai Gow Poker, Art played Video Poker and I player Roulette. I was feeling pretty guilty about gambling since I am about to be a broke student again, until I hit on my very first round. For whatever reason, I was a lucky girl that night. I came to the casino with $100 in my pocket and left with $230 :) While we stayed a bit longer than we had originally intended, we still had time to grab a pizza on the way home. I'm chalking it up to a little pre-birthday luck. Amazing night!

Art filled the fountain in the back yard to see what the kittens would do. The kittens didn't notice, but Louis thoroughly enjoyed his mid-afternoon bath. Naughty Dogggg!

Hutch gave me a pedicure, lucky me!

"Come on biggggg money!"
Sunday: We slept in and just hung out all morning. Hutch baked some delicious treats for me to take home to Mike and I packed my suitcase. That afternoon we went to David Berkley for lunch and sat outside and enjoyed the ever-so-mild Sacramento summer. We dropped Art back off at home and head to the airport, which was a mess!! Luckily I made my flight, even after having my bag completely torn apart at security. Mike picked me up and boy was I excited to see him! 10 days is a long time!! Unfortunately both Hutch and I got sick that night (maybe food poisoning) , so I wasn't much fun. The Car-Washing and Gas-Tank-Filling Fairy (whom resembles my handsome man friend) came while I was gone and had my car all ready for a long commute to work on Monday morning! Lucky me!!

While it is always hard to come back from vacation, I am glad to be home and back on schedule. Hope you're having a fantastic week!


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